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Valentine’s Day

Favors For Girls Valentine's Day

Breakup Survival Kit

January 17, 2015
Olaf Blankets

 As if we needed another reason to hate Monday’s, according to TED speaker David McCandleless they‘re the m. He also mentions that someone is more likely to break up in the winter, compared to the spring or summer months. Duh! With cold weather trapping you indoors, constant close contact can really bring out the worse in people. If the constant fraying of your nerves caused you to call it quits this winter, there’s a couple of things you’ll need to help you get…

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Valentine's Day

Godiva, Russell Stover, Hershey…Fuggedaboutit!

January 4, 2015
Cadbury Double Decker

I’m fully aware that Valentine’s is more than a month away, and most guys don’t start worrying about it till February 1st, but for anyone who wants to surprise their significant other with more than just a box of plastic-wrapped Russell Stover’s and gas-station roses, take note! Don’t get me wrong, flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s Day are a wonderful gift, but why not give your S.O. something that they’ll actually enjoy eating? I’m lucky enough to be friends with two…

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